
Friday, March 28, 2008

Tropical caterpillar - Series #3

This is the third series on caterpillars, i.e tropical green caterpillar and tropical black caterpillar.

Black caterpillar with white stripe perched on a padi stalk.

Black caterpillar with white stripe perched on a grass blade.

Green caterpillar with black spots on a leave.

Black caterpillar live on YouTube

For hi-resolution, check out my Flickr Gallery: Caterpillar

Related posts:
* Tropical big green leave cutter caterpillar - Series #1
* Tropical green caterpillar - Series #2

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tropical green caterpillar - Series #2

This is the second series on caterpillar, i.e tropical green caterpillar. The black spot on the right looks like an eye but it's fake to trick predator. The fake eyes look intimidating to fend of predator and the caterpillar head is actually tiny.

Cropped photo. Caterpillar photo taken with flash.

Uncropped photo. The caterpillar photo is not so sharp due to poor lighting. It's was late in the afternoon.

Green caterpillar live on YouTube

For hi-resolution, check out my Flickr Gallery: Caterpillar

Related posts:
* Tropical big green leave cutter caterpillar - Series #1

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Tropical big green leave cutter caterpillar

Tropical big green leave cutter caterpillar. I'm not sure which end of the caterpillar is the head or the tail. The end with the spike or horn might be the head and the spots at the tail is the fake eyes to trick predator.

Uncropped green fat caterpillar

Uncropped green fat caterpillar

After the photo of the caterpillar was taken, the caterpillar was unceremoniously cut into two by my mum because it was destroying her crop (yam ~ dioscorea).

For hi-resolution, check out my Flickr Gallery: Caterpillar

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Green tropical bugs mating

This post showcases two unidentified green bugs mating. Yet another privacy invasion by me. :)

The bugs in this scandal could be a family of grasshopper + stick insect + mosquito. I think it one of those fruit fly.

Uncropped photo. Green bugs mating on a sugarcane leave

Uncropped photo. Green bugs mating on a sugarcane leave

For hi-resolution, check out my Flickr Gallery Insect Sex.

Related posts:
* Housefly Sex, Series #2
* Adventure of two flies (Fi and Fo)
* Adventure of two monkey (Macaca fascicularis)

YouTube live: green insect mating

Similar photo elsewhere:
* Green insect mating from http://redzlan.blogspot.com/2007/05/rama-rama.html

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tropical weevil - Leave bettle (Chrysomelidae)

This post is about a orange-red weevil like insect with black and white strips on it's abdomen. This tropical insect looks like a leave beetle (Chrysomelidae).

Photo #1: un-cropped, macro photo of the insect

Photo #1: un-cropped, macro photo of the insect with it's mouth-part extension.

For hi-resolution photos, check out my Flick Gallery: Bug

Live video of the orange-red Weevil-like insect from my YouTube gallery.

Related posts:
* Red Weevil-like Insect
* BugGuide.net

Artists and designers behind the movie production of StarShip Troopers in 1997 probably got their ideas on beetles and weevils for their movie characters. See sampling below:

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 5

This is the 5th series on tropical mushroom (fungi).

Mushroom shaped like a dish. Very tiny mushroom.

Tiny white jellyfish-like mushroom. Photo taken after the rain.

Related topics:
* Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 1
* Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 2
* Tiny mushroom - Toad stool - Fungi, Series 3
* Tropical Wild Mushroom, Fungi, Series 4

* More pictures on Tropical Wild Mushroom - Gallery#1
* More pictures on Tropical Wild Mushroom - Gallery#2

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