
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gabriela Spanic fotos Revista Maxim

Aqui estan las fotos de la hermosa actriz Gabriela Spanic en la revista Maxim, el enlace de las fotos.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

3D Wallpaper

Gabriela Spanic imagenes revista H

Si quieren ver las fotos de Gabriela Spanic en la revista H, aqui les coloco el link para que puedan ver estas exelentes imagenes.

Alicia Machado fotos revista Maxim

Aqui les coloco el link para que puedan ver las fotos de Alicia Machado en la revista Maxim, Alicia es una mujer hermosa asi que les recomiendo de verdad estas imagenes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gabriela Vergara fotos revista H

Aqui estan las espectaculares fotos de la revista H con la hermosa modelo y actriz venezolana llamada Gabriela Vergara.

Carolina Tejera fotos revista Soho

Aqui estan las fotos de la revista Soho con la modelo venezolana Carolina Tejera, bueno espero que les gusten, aqui el link.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Macro photos of red fire ants

Fire ants, are stinging ants with over 280 species worldwide. They have several common names including Ginger Ants and Tropical Fire Ants (English), aka-kami-ari (Japanese), and Feuerameise (German).

For these red fire ants, it is not easy to take the picture because the ants won't keep still. And a zero macro is not possible as the ants would climb to the camera's lens.

Red fire ants giving an alarm

Angry red fire ants, ready for a fight

David the little red fire ant, biting Goliath (me) hand

Norelys Rodriguez fotos revista FHM

Aqui las fotos de la conductora y modelo venezolana llamada Norelys Rodriguez en la revista FHM, bueno aqui el link para que puedan ver las fotos.

Gaby Espino fotos revista Soho

La revista Soho realizó una produccion de fotos exelente que la quiero compartir con ustedes, las fotos son con la modelo venezoalna llamada Gaby Espino.

Gaby Espino fotos revista maxim

Gaby Espino es una famosa modelo y actriz venezolana, aqui las imperdibles fotos para la revista Maxim, la verdad que les recomiendo estas fotos de alta calidad.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Betty Monroe imagenes FHM

Las fotos de la revista FHM con Betty Monroe las tendran en el link asi que espero que las disfruten.

Betty Monroe revista H

Aqui el enlace para que puedan ver las fotos de esta hermosa actriz mexicana llmada Betty Monroe en la revista H.

Eileen Abad imagenes Interviu

Aqui tienen el link para poder ver las fotos de la hermosa actriz venezolana en la revista Interviu su nombre es Eileen Abad.

Virginie Gervais imagenes FHM

Aqui esta el link para que puedan ver las fotos de la hermosa modelo francesa llamada Virginie Gervais.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nabau, Borneo giant snake

Photograph shows Nabau, the 'giant snake' lurking in Borneo river. Villagers living along the Baleh river in Borneo fear a 100-foot snake could be lurking in the murky waters.

It is not clear whether the photograph is genuine, or a clever piece of photo-editing. Some suggested the 'snake' was in fact a log or a speed boat and others complained the colour of the river in the photo was too dark.

The most common theory is that the photo has been manipulated on a computer. This is known as photo-shopped image.

What do I think about the photos? It's a totally low-quality amateur photo-shopped. In short, FAKE.

Instead of putting your interest in a snake hoax, why not check the real issue of Siltation that killed thousand of fishes at Batang Rajang , a real freak papaya photo from Borneo or a snake head fish photo.

Related posts:
* Serpent Rock, Bako National Park
* Python Reticulatus photo

The Borneo giant snake has become a hot news topic and even being published by foreign media such as:
* Telegraph.co.uk - Photograph shows 'giant snake' lurking in Borneo river
* LiveScience - 100-Foot 'Borneo Monster' Said Photographed
* DailyMail.co.uk - Picture of 100ft-long 'snake' sparks fears of mythical monster in Borneo
* Mirror.co.uk - Is '100ft long snake' mythical Borneo monster or just a photo fake?

SEO: Philippines Naga | giant serpentine animal | Titanoboa Columbia | Borneo monster | Water serpent legends | Suspicious snake photos | bigger than anaconda | snake in a river | big asian snake | fake reptile

Ana de la Reguera imagenes revista MAX

El link para ver la pagina con las fotos de la revista Max con la actriz bellisima llamada Ana de la Reguera.

Ana de la Reguera imagenes revista H

Todos ustedes quieren ver las fotos de la revista H con Ana de la Reguera, bueno aqui el link para ver las exelentes imagenes.

Ana de la Reguera imagenes revista GQ

Aca esta el link para que ustedes puedan ver las imagenes para la revista GQ, ella es una actriz mexicana muy hermosa.

Marilyn Patiño imagenes Soho

Marilyn Patiño realizó una sesion de fotos con la revista Soho, aqui les dejo el link para que puedan ver las espectaculares fotos.

Kate Hudson fotos revista Elle

Aqui esta el link para que puedan observar las maravillosas fotos de la revista Elle con la bella actriz Kate Hudson.

Blogalaxia:, , , Technorati:, , , agregaX:, , ,

Jaime Pressly fotos revista Maxim

Aqui esta el link para que puedan ver las fotos de la hermosa Jaime Pressly, se las recomiendo ya que son de alta calidad y muy interesantes.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jaime Pressly fotos revista FHM

Aqui el link para ver las fotos de la hermosa rubia Jaime Pressly para la famosa revista revista FHM, las imagenes son de alta calidad.

Cecilia Ponce fotos revista H

Aqui esta el link para que puedan ver las fotos de la conductora de TV mexicana, Cecilia Ponce.

Brooke Burke fotos Maxim

Brooke Burke, aqui les dejo el link para que puedan ver las fotos de la revista Maxim con la conductora y modelo Brooke Burke.

Two cats and a string

I'm trying out Google Video so I uploaded two short clips of two mixed breed Siamese cat playing with a string.

Two cats and a string - Part 1

Two cats and a string - Part 2

Related posts:
* Mix Breed Siamese Cats Napping

Makna nama Proton MPV Exora

Sebenarnya, perkataan Exora tidak membawa sebarang erti. Ia adalah kata suara seperti kata Bahasa Inggeris, Ixora. Ixora adalah sejenis bunga yang tumbuh di tanah tropik.

Di Malaysia, Ixora juga dikenali sebagai Bunga Santan.

Hal yang menarik tentang bunga Ixora ini adalah bahawa bunganya macam bergabung atau berkumpul sama seperti sebuah keluarga dan kereta MPV Proton Exora memang sesuai untuk orang yang berkeluarga besar.

Related posts:
* Exora Proton latest MPV named after Ixora
* Gambar Ixora (Bunga Santan)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Brooke Burke fotos revista Stuff

La prestigiosa revista Stuff realizço una maravillosa producciçon de fotos y una imperdible entrevista con la modelo y conductora llamda Brooke Burke, bueno vamos directamente al link para que puedan ver las fotos.

Brooke Burke imagenes revista FHM

La revista FHM realizó una sesion de fotos y una entrevista muy detallada con la modelo y conductora de television Brooke Burke, la verdad que les recomiendo profundamente las fotos ya que son exelentes y aqui el link hacia dichas imagenes.

Ana Ivanovic fotos revista Hello

La revista Hello que se encarga de las celebridades de todo el mundo le hizo una nota y unas fotos a la tenista Ana Ivanovic, aqui les dejo el enlace para que vean sus fotos.

Ana Ivanovic imagenes revista FHM

La tenista Ana Ivanovic realizó una imperdible sesión de fotos para la prestigiosa revista FHM que viene acompañado por una entrevista con preguntas interesantisimas asi que les dejo el link para que vean sus fotos.

Maria Sharapova fotos revista GQ

La tenista rusa Maria Sharapova realizo unas maravillosas fotos con la revista GQ edición España, ademas de un interesante reportaje. Para ver la fotos les dejo el link.

Carolina Ardohain - Pampita

Nombre real: Ana Carolina Ardohain Dos Santos
Nacimiento: 17 de enero de 1978, General Acha, La Pampa, Argentina
Medidas: 90-60-90 cm (36B-23-35 in)
Estatura: 1,64 m (5 ft 5 in)
Peso: 47 kgs (104 lbs)
Color de cabello: Castaño
Color de ojos: Marrones


Ana Carolina Ardohain Dos Santos, más conocida como Carolina Ardohain o Pampita nació el 17 de enero de 1978, General Acha, La Pampa, Argentina, y es una modelo argentina.

Exora Proton latest MPV named after Ixora

The latest model of Proton car is called Exora, named after Ixora, the flame of the wood. Proton Exora MPV which is a few years in the making, will be available for booking on Fri Feb 20, 2009 and likely to be priced below RM80K.

Proton Exora unvieled.

Latest photo of Proton Exora - Theophilus Chin

New Proton Exora

Ixora coccinea flower

I think Exora is a nice name considering that Proton has baptised its previous cars with awful name as "waja", "saga", "juara", "gen2" and I-forgot-the-pickup-name.

For the latest photos or pictures of the new Proton Exora MPV, check out the following links:
* HOT: Proton MPV 100% fully uncovered!
* Proton MPV, latest pictures

Related posts:
* Ixora Petal And Water Droplets
* Ixora coccinea flower, Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame

SEO: Proton new car | Exora | Ixora | Exoza | Photo of Exora | Photo of Ixora | Photo of proton MPV | Proton MPV | latest photo of proton exora | Ezora | Exora pict |

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dragon Fly - Series#3

Photo of a tropical Dragonfly from Borneo perched on an Ixora leave.

Related posts:
* Tropical Dragonfly - Series #2
* Tropical Red Dragonfly - Series #1

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Green fly

A green (lime green) fly. It's not a common housefly. It's not a bottle green fly. It look similar to a blowflies. Only the fly's abdomen is lime green. The rest of it's body parts are black.

Some thought that Aphids are green fly. Well, Aphids are usually green and usually in a group.

SEO: Lalat Hijau |

Related posts:
* Housefly Sex, Series #2
* Adventure of two flies (Fi and Fo)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

List your photo blog at SlogBite

Get your photo blog listed in SlogBite. The benefits of joining SlogBite is to increase your site’s exposure, increase your sites traffic, increase your site’s readership, have fun and become part of a growing and influential community.

For the following steps to be listed in SlogBite.

1. Join SlogBite for free and create a post entry (like this one) about SlogBite.

2. Prepare your 125 x 125 ads card.

3. Complete and submit their EntryForm and wait for their approval. Remember to choose category "Photography".

4. Once approval, installed their widget code on your photo blog.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ixora berry

Photo of Ixora's berry.

Related posts:
* Ixora Petal And Water Droplets
* Ixora coccinea flower, Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tropical Venus Flytrap in Borneo

The Venus Flytrap, Dionaea muscipula, is a carnivorous plant that catches and digests animal prey—mostly insects and arachnids. Its trapping structure is formed by the terminal portion of each of the plant's leaves and is triggered by tiny hairs on their inner surfaces. When an insect or spider crawling along the leaves comes into contact with one or more of the hairs twice in succession, the trap closes. The requirement of redundant triggering in this mechanism serves as a safeguard against the spurious expending of energy toward trapping other, non-living things which may not reward the plant with similar nutrition.

The Venus Flytrap is a small plant, forming a rosette of four to seven leaves, which arise from a short subterranean stem that is actually a bulb-like object. Each steam reaches a maximum size of about three to ten centimeters, depending on the time of year; longer leaves with robust traps are usually formed after flowering. Flytraps that have more than 7 leaves are colonies formed by rosettes that have divided beneath the ground.

The leaf blade is divided into two regions: a flat, heart shaped photosynthetic capable petiole, and a pair of terminal lobes hinged at the midrib, forming the trap which is the true leaf. The upper surface of these lobes contains red anthocyanin pigments and its edges secrete mucilage. The lobes exhibit rapid plant movements, snapping shut when stimulated by prey. The trapping mechanism is tripped when prey items stumble against one of the three hair-like trichomes that are found on the upper surface of each of the lobes.

The trapping mechanism is so specialized that it can distinguish between living prey and non-prey stimuli such as falling raindrops; two trigger hairs must be touched in succession or one hair touched twice, whereupon the lobes of the trap will snap shut in about 0.1 seconds. The edges of the lobes are fringed by stiff hair-like protrusions or cilia, which mesh together and prevent large prey items from escaping. (These protrusions, and the trigger hairs, are probably homologous with the tentacles found in this plant’s close relatives, the sundews.) The holes in the meshwork allow small prey to escape, presumably because the benefit that would be obtained from them would be less than the cost of digesting them. If the prey is too small and escapes, the trap will reopen within 12 hours. If the prey moves around in the trap, it tightens and digestion begins more quickly.

Speed of closing can vary depending on the amount of humidity, light, size of prey, and general growing conditions. The speed with which traps close can be used as an indicator of a plant's general health. Venus Flytraps are not as humidity dependent as are some other carnivorous plants, such as Nepenthes, Cephalotus, most Heliamphora, and some Drosera.

Photo location: Jln Stakan, Kuching

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Joyriding dogs

Photo of three dogs on a pickup truck taking a joyride. Lucky dogs.

The joyriding dogs were spotted at Kpg Quop/10th Mile Bazaar junction, Kuching.