
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lucila Gonzalez fotos revista Gente

Hoy en Famosisimas las fotos espectaculares de la revista Gente con la bella y mujer argentina Lucila Gonzalez.

Common Huntsman Spider - Series #3

A photo collection of tropical common Huntsman Spider caught with a bounty, a dead butterfly. Click on the photo for an enlarged view.

The Huntsman guarding its catch.

Dead butterfly beneath the Huntsman

Huntsman moving away with a dead butterfly

Similar posts:
* Animal Oddity - Photo of Largest Huntsman Spider
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #2
* Tropical spider - Series #1

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Split Headed Piglet - Photo

Pig with one head (look like a split headed to me), two mouths, two noses and three eyes

Farmer Liu Shuping presents a newly born piglet with one head, two mouths, two noses, and three eyes in Xi’an, China, on March 7, 2007.

Related posts:
* Animal Oddity: Photo of Seven-Legged Pig
* Monkey-faced Piglet - Photo
* Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-headed Pig

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Zahyra Amat revista Paparazzi

Aquí el enlace para que puedan acceder a ver las fotos de la revista Paparazzi con la modelo argentina Zahyra Amat.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Animal Oddity: Photo of Seven-Legged Calf

A seven-legged calf was born at Steamboat Veterinary Hos­pital. The Black Angus calf was delivered by Caesarean section. The calf lived only 10 minutes. One of the seven legs had two hooves. The calf had two spines but just one head. Photo by Matt Stensland

Related posts:
* Animal Oddity: Photo of Seven-Legged Pig
* Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-headed Pig

Andres Guardado

Andres Guardado

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Animal Oddity: Photo of Seven-Legged Pig

A pig was born with seven legs in a town north of Manila, Phillippines in 2001. Named Kambal, meaning twins in Tagalog, the male pig has been attracted daily visitors following his birth. ~ JON PAULINO/AP

Debora Bello en revista Tendencia

Usted podrá acceder a través de este link a ver las fotos de la revista Tendencia con la hermosa Débora Bello.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Animal Oddity: Photo of Four-earred Cat

Valerie Rock's four-eared cat, Yoda, isn't the only unique multi-eared feline around. ~ Olsen/AP

Lilly, a six-month old black and white house cat with four ears is seen was a sensation at a home for animals in Murnau, Germany, in 2004. ~ Rehle/Reuters

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Giant Stick Insect

Curator George Beccaloni of Britain's Natural History Museum holds a giant stick insect named Phobaeticus chani, meaning "Chan's megastick." The 22-inch insect was recently confirmed as the world's longest. But giant bugs aren't the only oddity in the Animal Kingdom. ~ AP/Natural History Museum/HO

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Albino Pink Elephant Calf
* Animal Oddity - Two-nosed Bunny
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Monday, May 18, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-headed Albino Rat Snake

Rat snake! Not only it is albino skinned, it is two-headed as well.

Leonard Sonnenschein, president of the World Aquarium in St. Louis, holds We, a two-headed albino rat snake, in 2006....before putting up the reptile for auction on eBay.

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Albino Pink Elephant Calf
* Animal Oddity - Two-nosed Bunny
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-headed Pig

Rudy, the two-headed pig, became the pride of Edgewood, Iowa in 1997. Most two-headed pigs are stillborn or die shortly after birth.

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Albino Pink Elephant Calf
* Animal Oddity - Two-nosed Bunny
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Animal Oddity - Photo of One Eye Kitten

Cy -- short for Cyclops -- was a kitten born with one eye and no nose in December 2005. The kitten, a ragdoll breed that was one of two born, died after a day. Its sibling was born normal and healthy. (Traci Allen/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Friday, May 15, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Deformed Frog - Series #2

Several species of frogs with developmental abnormalities have been found across Minnesota and into neighboring Wisconsin, South Dakota and Quebec over the years. (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Thursday, May 14, 2009

imagenes Sabrina Rojas revista H 2009

Aqui les dejo el enlace para que puedan acceder a ver las imagenes de la revista H 2009 con la modelo y actriz argentina Sabrina Rojas.

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-headed Tortoise - Series #2

Held by its owner, this tiny two-headed tortoise was the result of a rare phenomenon that occurred during the embryonic stage of development. The tortoise apparently functioned normally.
(Obed Zilwa/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Conjoined Crocodiles

These conjoined baby crocodiles were born at the Samut Prakarn Crocodile Farm on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand, in June 2001. Joined at the bottom part of their body, the reptiles have eight legs and two tails. (Sakchai Lalit/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mating Flies - Series #5

Fifth series of macro photo on mating flies.

Similar posts:
* Housefly Sex, Series #2
* Adventure of two flies (Fi and Fo)

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-faces Kitten

Cobra Macini feeds his two-faced kitten in Inverness, Fla. The kitten, one of a litter of five, was born two days ago and is expected to survive, according to local veterinarian. Wade Phillips. The animal was born two weeks premature and has two mouths that feed one esophagus, four eyes and two noses. (Cathy Kapulka/ Citrus County Chronicle/ AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Monday, May 11, 2009

fotos Paparazzi Sabrina Rojas

Aqui esta el link para que puedan ver las fotos de la modelo argentina Sabrina Rojas, bueno espero que les gusten y si pueden comenten.

Animal Oddity - Photo of Albino Alligator

A rare albino alligator cools itself at the Los Angeles Zoo at the start of the zoo's summer promotion Out of the Swamp, Aug. 3, 2006. The promotion will give visitors a glimpse of the illusive alligator and educate families on the importance of swamps. (Nick Ut/ AP Photo )

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of White Buffalo Calf

A rare white buffalo calf tags behind its mother at Val and Dave Heider's farm in Janesville, Wis., Sept. 8, 2006. It was the third white buffalo born on the farm. About 50 American Indians, who regard the animals as sacred, held a drum ceremony over the weekend to honor the calf. (Dan Lassiter/ The Janesville Gazette/ AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ariel Lin

Friday, May 8, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Four-legged Chicken

Henrietta, a four-legged chicken, was discovered at Brendle Farms in Somerset, Pa., Sept. 21, 2006. (Rob Gebhart/Daily American / AP Photo )

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Mating Flies - Series #4

The fourth series of macro photo on mating flies.

Similar posts:
* Housefly Sex, Series #2
* Adventure of two flies

Mating Flies - Series #3

This is a third series on macro photo of mating flies.

Similar posts:
* Housefly Sex, Series #2
* Adventure of two flies (Fi and Fo)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-faces Calf

This calf, which was the product of artificial insemination, was born with two faces Dec. 27, 2006, on a Virginia farm. She breathes out of two noses and has two tongues, which move independently. (Jean Farley, Wytheville Enterprise Via Bristol Herald Courier/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Four-legged Duckling

A rare mutation has left Stumpy, a duckling at Warrawee Duck Farm in Copythorne, Hampshire, England, with two legs behind the usual two. Here is Stumpy on Feb. 17, 2007. (Barry Batchelor, PA/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Eight Legs Frog

A waitress holds up a frog with eight legs in a restaurant in Quanzhou, in southeast China's Fujian Province, Feb. 28, 2007. The restaurant's owners, who normally serve frog's legs as a dish, have decided to spare the unique animal. (AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Monday, May 4, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Giant Shortrake RockFish

This March 2007 photo released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shows Chris Wilson of NOAA's Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, holding a 38-inch ruler up to a giant shortraker rockfish. The 44-inch, 60-pound female shortraker rockfish was caught 2,100 feet below the surface, south of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea.
(Karna McKinney, NOAA Fisheries/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Animal Oddity - Photo of Six-legged Calf

A six-legged calf, born on the farm of Brian Slocum of Litchfield, Neb., April 29, 2007. The calf also has both male and female reproductive organs. (Kearney Hub/Katherine Thomas/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-nose Calf

A cow in Wisconsin was born with two noses. Owner Mark Krombholz didn't notice until he fed her a bottle of milk. "It's a functioning nose because the middle of her second nose, the flap would go in and out when she drank out of the bottle like that," said Krombholz. "It was kind of funny. It caught my eye right away, so I kind of laughed at that." Lucy, born May 4, 2007, will be a pet and breed if she's able, according to Krombholz. (ABC News)

Lucy, The Two Nosed Cow

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Giant Hogzilla

In this photo released by Melynne Stone, Jamison Stone, 11, poses with a wild pig he killed near Delta, Ala., May 3, 2007. Stone's father said the hog weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9 feet 4 inches from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. If claims of the animal's size are true, it would be larger than Hogzilla, the huge hog killed in Georgia in 2004.
(Melynne Stone/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm

Friday, May 1, 2009

Animal Oddity - Photo of Two-toned Lobster

A rare two-toned lobster is seen in July 2006, in Bar Harbor, Maine. The lobster was caught by Alan Robinson in Dyer's Bay and is a typical mottled green on one side; the other side is a shade of orange that looks cooked. Robinson donated the lobster to the Mount Desert Oceanarium. Staff members say the odds of finding a half-and-half lobster are 1 in 50 million to 100 million. (Abigail Curtis, The Daily News/AP Photo)

Related Animal Oddities
* CNN - Rare yellow lobster avoids boiling pot
* Animal Oddity - Giant Killer Worm