The water which is supplied to our homes is full of pollutants like pesticides, chlorine, bacteria, cysts etc. Drinking such contaminated water is just not right. This can lead to various ailments.
Understanding this, we know the need of the hour is to have a good and efficient water purifier system which can remove these contaminants and purify the water. Broadly speaking, there are three types of water purification process used in the commonly available water purifiers:-
(i) Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis water filters work by forcing a huge amount of water to pass through a fine semi-permeable porous membrane. The water molecules being smaller than the size of these pores, rush through this membrane leaving behind the contaminants which are larger in size.
They are efficient in producing clean and pollutant-free water but the basic problem with these filters is that they remove everything from the water- even the essential minerals found in the natural water. These minerals are magnesium which helps in strengthening the immune system; calcium which helps in increasing the strength of teeth and bones etc.
Consuming water which is lacking in these minerals can cause digestive problems and later result into mineral deficiencies as well. Removing these minerals from drinking water and then taking supplements for them is not a logical solution.
(ii) Mineral Revitalization
The water filters based on mineral revitalization are actually one step addition to the water purification process used in reverse osmosis. These filters have an extra unit attached to a RO based water filter and are primarily designed to take care of the problem of RO based water filters.
First the RO filter strips out everything from the water (the contaminants and minerals), and then the extra unit used in these filters, artificially adds the minerals back into the water.
This helps in retaining the natural taste and odor of the water. But don't you think, it is a little illogical to pay additional costs for these filters just to get back something which you already have. If minerals are required in the water, why remove them in the first place?
(iii) Ion exchange and carbon filtration
These water purifiers are generally equipped with two filters and have two stages processing of the water. First stage uses ion exchange technique to remove chlorine from the water. It also enhances the pH balance in the water.
The second filtration stage uses carbon filtration technique to remove all chemical and synthetic contaminants. It also removes all by-products of chlorine like Trihalomethanes (THMs), Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC's) which are toxic vapors and have adverse effects even if inhaled or absorbed in the skin.
These multi stage water filters are the best water purification process which removes all type of organic and synthetic impurities from the water while retaining the essential minerals at the same time.
Before buying a water filter, select the water purification process which is best for you. Whatever filter you select, make a choice today and ensure clean and pure drinking water.
Visit my website today to discover more details you need to know when it comes to choosing water purifiers for your home.
Daniel Woods is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the benefits of safe, clean, healthy filtered water. He shares his research on his website - Water Purifier Home. If you want to know how to choose a water purifier, visit - and learn about the products our editors personally use and recommend.
Daniel Woods is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the benefits of safe, clean, healthy filtered water. He shares his research on his website - Water Purifier Home. If you want to know how to choose a water purifier, visit - and learn about the products our editors personally use and recommend.
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