
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The MPAA Pulls THE HANGOVER: PART II Trailer from Theaters

The MPAA once again proved their incompetence and ineptitude by pulling a trailer they’d previously approved for The Hangover: Part II.  JoBlo reports that “Warner Bros. sent an urgent notice to all theater owners notifying them that all copies of the trailer “need to be destroyed” and all current placements, including and especially Source Code, need to be removed immediately.”  Warner Bros. plans to release a “new” all audiences trailer attached to Scream 4.  That’s right: the studio is releasing an all-audiences trailer attached to an R-rated movie.
Since the MPAA can’t remove or destroy the trailer from the Internet, hit the jump to watch it and discuss what parts you think were objectionable to horrified parents who thought watching Jake Gyllenhaal repeatedly blown to bits was wholesome family entertainment.  The Hangover: Part IIopens May 26th.


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