Attic exhaust fans are absolutely crucial to keeping a healthy home. The main purpose of attic exhaust fans is to provide ventilation to help control the temperature in your attic. If you attic gets too warm, you roofing will not last as long, the structure will not last as long, and you will pay extraordinary energy bills. Why go through all of this when you can quickly and easily install a quiet, solar powered house fan that will keep your home cool throughout the year? The savings you will experience in your energy bills in just one summer will make up for the cost of one solar powered ventilation fan.
So what are some of the most popular attic exhaust fans that you can buy online? Here they are.
Aura Solar Attic Fan - this solar / wind powered attic fan is one of the most popular on the market. The combination of solar and wind power means that this fan will continue to cool whether it is day or night, sunny or cloudy. It has a 10 watt panel specifically designed to run quietly and efficiently. In fact, you can stand right beside this exhaust fan as it is turning and not hear it at all. That is how quiet it is!
It is 12 inches in diameter and 9 inches tall. It provides an amazing amount of ventilation, and it is tested to withstand winds up to 200 mph. So don't worry! If you start getting 200 mph winds, you are going to be worried about a lot of other things besides your attic exhaust fan! Customers talk about how easy this fan is to install although it is not very adjustable. This means you will have to make the hole just the right size.
Solar Attic Fan with 25-Year Warranty - You know companies really believe in their products when they are willing to give a 25-year warranty. This attic fan is also powered by the sun which means that there is no need for any wiring to get the ventilation your house desperately needs. Just this fact alone makes me want to go and buy it right now. I remember al to vividly what it is like to run wires in a roasting over for a new exhaust fan. No fun at all!
The 25-year warranty applies on the solar panel, the fan housing, and the fan motor. It also comes with a 10-watt panel, and it is already assembled and ready to install right out of the box. The panel is adjustable up to 45 degrees, and it can even be detached and mounted remotely if needed. This exhaust attic fan moves 850 cubic feet of air each minute. Talk about adequate ventilation. The manufacturer recommends one fan for every 1200 square feet.
Note: the attic fan above is not intended to be mounted on flat roofs or walls. It is intended for pitched roofs from 3/12 to 12/12.
Ventamatic Whole House Fan - if you are looking for a more heavy-duty exhaust fan for your attic, you need to look at this fan for the whole house. It has 2 speeds, and it is built sturdily to eliminate vibration even when running on high. It has 4 aluminum air blades that are balanced to ensure a smooth rotation and little sound.
One customer who installed this fan said that it is adequate for their house of 2,400 square feet. A frame does need to be built to house this whole house ventilation fan, and you will need to run electrical wires to the motor. So plan on spending a few hours getting this puppy setup, but it will definitely be worth it when you feel the cool breeze that it produces.
One final attic fan that we will look at is the Dayton attic exhaust fan. This ventilation fan not only removes hot air from your attic, but it also helps in removing moisture as well. You probably know that nothing can ruin a home quicker than moisture. This fan is absolutely huge and can ventilate more than 1,500 square feet. It comes with shutters that keep the motor free from rain, debris, and dirt. It also has a blade guard to keep the blades from being damaged by various items.
A customer who ordered this product raved at how quickly it was delivered and the great customer service that the company provided. I am sure that you will have the same great experience if you order this attic fan today.
Now we all know how desperately people are trying to save money, and for most people, a lot of money can be saved in energy bills. Electric bills especially seem to be rising faster and faster. But when installing your attic fan, be sure to put it in the right place. If you don't, you could actually increase your energy use instead of dropping it.
Install the fan facing the top of the attic on an exterior wall. Don't block of the air passage to any existing gable vents or other attic vents. If you install an electric fan, it would be a good idea to install a light switch that allows you to control the fan from the interior of your
home. This can also save you money by turning off the fan when it is not needed.
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